Tuesday 3 April 2012

Technology In Pakistan

Make Pakistan Full Of technology, Presently we are in nano technology era, and i am very sorry to state that today we have no any computer technology that is invent by our own country's scientist that's mean is not that Pakistan has not genius scientists, Pakistan has genius scientists and engineers but unfortunately all of them are either using foreign technology or one who want to research to create same technology but in different method, he was always discourage by his own country.

Using  technology is not a huge job but making technology is really a big job, wherever we take 1st priority to using technology, The real fun Of using technology is in make your own and then use it, and our scientist's have the ability to make their own technology, and prove the whole world that we Pakistani's are very intelligent.
And now we have to be ready to change our country to the point when our country can export any kind technical deceives to every country and our devices taken first priority in every country, This is possible and the only thing which make these things possible is that we should have to make our Tech Education(IT,BE,BS)  At Excellent Level.


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