Wednesday 21 December 2011

Summary Of "Daughter Of The Boss" Written By Lucy irvine"

The daughter of the boss is adapted from Runway Written by lucy Irvine.. It was a story of 14year little girl who was waiting to go for suitable school, for a month, She started work in her father hotel. she was familiar to hotel and its staff but she felt irony between them because she was new and worked in his father hotel as a waitresses,
The Two things were daunting installation for her in kitchen, one is washing machine and other was chef, because both were irritated noise in kitchen and chef had bad habits of wheezing through his teeth and he had half drag of citrate while he was working in kitchen.
She enjoyed breakfast waitressing as compare to dinner shift because people were more friendly in breakfast shift rather then in dinner shift. Richard who also a chef in hotel guided and adviced her to do more better. One day Richard gave her advice as a challenge and started cooking for hotel, some dishes were her own invention. Her life took star-turn when her duty assigned to managed cabret. Richard appreciated her good performance. He looked her in proudly way when people appreciated her dishes,
The kitchen hirachey changed when gorden left the hotel and the new staff hired in kitchen.

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