Friday 2 December 2011

Never Never Never Give Up

There Is Famous saying that "Fall Seven Times,  Stand Up Eight" the actual meaning of this saying is (Never Ever Give Up). There are lots of people who always thinks only for the victory, but when they face some defeat in their life, their life will become like a car without driver, it mean they do not find any particular way/road which will leads him towards the way of success, finally these kind of people Give Up from his goal. and say I can't do this. this job is impossible for me. but they forget the word impossible itself say "IM POSSIBLE"

But still There are some people who believe on him self and never ever Give Up from his target/goal. like we can take an example of Soichiro Honda he was really a good engineer and  hard worker, he never ever give up from his goal, that why his name is famous every where because of his hard work.In the beginning He faces lots of problems, but he faces all the problems very bravely without any fear of defeat, like when he was started his carer with a Factory, but his Factory Bombed twice.but he did not give up from his ultimate goal, again his factory destroyed due to earthquake and again he did not give up from his goal.his whole life was based on hard work and consistency.

Well Some times People Give Up because of reluctant, means he is not actually interested with what he is doing, like we can see in our country parents forced his children to select the particular subject, for example if any parent forced his/her child to doing MBBS, although his child was not interested in MBBS so what will happen in future he well give up from his study, because he was not actually interested in MBBS.
likewise if you are interested in any subject, set this subject to your goal and finally because of your interest you will never ever give up from you goal.

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